How do I pull a report of completed logs from the compliance section?

Pulling compliance reports are easy! By following the steps below, you can receive a comprehensive compliance report of the data entered for each of your facilities.

Select the "Dashboards" tab from the left-hand side of your platform menu.

Select "Compliance" under the Dashboard section and select the "Logs" option at the top of the screen.


You can quickly view your Logs that have been completed within the last week using the pre-filtered date range or you can filter this information more. 

  1. Identify the filters you would like to select on the top of the Dashboard.
    1. Log Type (optional) - The type of log or multiple logs you would like to view. This option must be selected to pull a report.
    2. Facility (optional) - What facility would you like to include data for? 
    3. Device (optional) - Compliance reporting on device specific logs.
    4. Performed by - Filter by specific users that have completed logs. 
    5. Date Range - Select the range of dates you would like this report to reflect. 
    6. "Reports" Button - Using this button, you can export the data specifically relating to the filter criteria you selected. You must select the log reports you would like to see in order to pull the report.LogReport-Step2

      1. HTML - Send a PDF document to your email for quick reference
      2. Excel - Download an excel spreadsheet with this data to further view the information entered by the users specific to each log selected. 

Compliance Report in Excel

By pulling a compliance report to an excel formatting, you are able to view each log in correspondence to its specific log type in the different tabs created. Here you can dig deeper into the logs being completed by you and your team.


For additional assistance please email our Support Team.