How do I add a device to my profile?

To add a device go to the Device tab and click the "+ Add New Device" button in the top right-hand corner. Complete the wizard and enter all the required information.

Follow these simple steps outline below for adding a device to your account:

  1. Log into your account
  2. In the left-hand side navigation panel select Devices
  3. Select +Add a New Device button in the upper right hand corner.
  4. Add the required device information below 
    • Asset ID - Unique tag number (if your device is not asset tagged please use the serial number here)
    • Make - Manufacturer
    • Model 
    • Category - Type of Device 
    • Facility 
    • Area - Where is the device located in your facility? 
    • Group - Assign to the group associated with your facility + the ADMIN group.(DO NOT ASSIGN TO A USER
    • Serial Number 
  5. Add maintenance information 
  6. Add device manager information 

  7. Hit "Save" on the final screen to add to your platform.

For additional assistance please email our Support Team.